Friday, May 23, 2008

I've started blogging over at Global Bird Trekkers. It's nice to have something to contribute to outside of the kids! Not that I don't adore the kids, but this will give me a welcome break occasionally. Thanks Gwen and Jackie for asking :)

Finally we are not only settled in Thorneside, but have an internet connection sorted as well. The first month in our new home has been an interesting one. Brend's been away to a couple of mines in Queensland and is currently in South America so hasn't spent too much time in it sadly. We have yet to finish unpacking.

From the kids' point of view the move has been a great success. We've had a number of koala's visit our garden, as well as kookaburra's and many rainbow lorikeets each day. Mikey'
s becoming quite the little Aussie wildlife buff :). The kids love the extra space we have and Mikey's getting into gardening in a big way. The plants are in danger of being watered to death. He believes each of them is either going to grow him a mango or a strawberry. Hopefully he won't be too disappointed when some tomatoes, lettuces, corn and plain old flowers appear as well.

We currently have a weird spiral staircase going from one of the upstairs
bedrooms to the downstairs study - a total death trap. We're hoping to get it removed ASAP so that Emma can have her own bedroom too. She adores Mikey's bedroom, but he's not so keen on her wrecking his train track each time she enters.

Brendan's home on Sunday so we're counting down the hours to that. My Dad is still staying with us at the moment, and we're getting Mikey's kitten on Sunday too. A full house for sure :)