Monday, July 21, 2008

Today was a brilliant wildlife day, but a photographic disaster. This morning at one of our local parks there was a herd of dugongs grazing on sea grass around the mouth of a canal, periodically coming up for air. I've never seen so many so close by before and found myself wishing the kids were old enough to appreciate what they were witnessing.

Sadly I only had my little pocket Oly with me, and despite being close by the dugongs were too far for its zoom to handle. When I got home I discovered that my pc no longer wanted to talk to the camera and with no time to fix it I left the camera behind when we headed out to a second park this afternoon.

For the first time there (Wellington Point) we saw dolphins, also incredibly close by! And no camera... Once again, the kids are simply too young to appreciate what they were seeing. Hopefully the local wildlife doesn't disappear before they are old enough to do so.

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